A CG experimental project in search for style

Hitting on the high notes (0)

10:17 PM by , under , , ,

This is your co-captain Zi Chao speaking, and currently exploring the boundaries of the little lion dancer. Oh no we havent got him a name yet. ANyway..

Initially i thought of giving him the cliché naughty personality, and thought that maybe he'd like kungfu alot, since lion dance was originated from the art of kung fu. Playing with fire-crackers alot and stumbling alot due to his inexperience in kungfu but loves to spin around and act like he knows alot. Geez, that might just be utterly boring man.

Then i thought, lion dance was always done by choreographing a sequence of customized action commands in rhythm, so maybe he should be a dancer, a ballet? a hip hop or jazz cool lil lion. Hmmm and what if he likes to dance using kungfu moves and stuffs, would it be cool? What will his actions be like, his expressions? I guess i gotta test that one out with animation. Probably gonna use staccato actions (snappy) and very quick movements.

Moments later...a lightning bolt hit me and i thought of a sequence we 3 guys could animate and produce. But its hard to express using words... i'll tell you dudes tomorrow.

But i don't know if i should do these, because i always wanted to think out of the box and create a personality that no one has ever done it before. Bleh...

Still exploring........... Look out for animation tests soon =)

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