A CG experimental project in search for style

Awesome Style! 1

12:27 PM by , under

Hey guy just sharing. I love the style of this vid!

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Hey guys, saw this ad on facebook. Even my friends were talking about it. I think it's a fun and interesting visual concept which may or may not inspire you.. In any case, I looked it up on youtube.. here it is:

It's part of this years campaign by the Health Promotion Board.

cheers ;)

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Hey! Man.. I struggled for the past hour trying to get the images up onto photobucket for hosting! And linking everything back together again! Now we have a complete template!! :D

cheers! Oh, I like that Chaos has posted something in the midst of nowhere..
Yup, we are nearing ORD and we should start spamming this space when we have free time!

It's time to get back to the real world!!
For a kickstart, I shall share with you guys a video I found really useful when coming to creating 3D characters!


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Our Inspiration 2 (3)

11:45 PM by , under , ,

Hey boys,
its been awhile!

I find this short leroy posted on fb somewhat rather inspiring. Opened up alot of ideas for a short. Its about this visually imparied little girl's world as she sees it. After watching you might introduce lotsa concept to our this long lost story, mindsight.

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Our Inspiration 1

6:29 AM by , under ,

Hello guys, remember one of our inspirations for our little 3-man productions? :)

This couple production is finally complete and the graphics are really quite impressive. But nothing beats their organisation and workflow.. Only 2 laptops and they were able do get their desired short film out. How did they do it?

Click to watch the production focus:

The Film:

MEET MELINE : THE 3D ANIMATED SHORT FILM (by Sebastien Laban & Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.

The Making Of:

MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.

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Hello guys,

I'm sure you guys are super busy with NS.
I suddenly had the urge to re-design our blog :P
Hope you guys don't mind. :)

Here it is!

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