Good Day Everybody!
Thanks for all the support from you guys who have been visiting this blog, leaving encouraging messages, posting comments and suggestions for our Coke Zero Production. Here, I'll like to announce that the Coke Zero - Impossible is Possible Animation Project is completed!
Stay tuned to Channelbox as we bring you an official Channelbox website as an upcoming project!
Visit our Eyeka Submission Page! :D
Here's the moodboard i did for our last scene. We've decided to make it busier by implementing a thick haze and inks dripping by as the can falls.
Hey peeps,
here's the render.
4 passes
material ID
total abt 1.5min for all these 4 pass to render, for my lousy computer. Hoarnale's pc should do it real fast.
Sorry HDRI sucked, if we're using this render setup, probably gonna need to take a picture of the scene and wrapped it as environment.
reflectivity seems too high, maybe i shld do a seperate pass to split color and reflection.
Thanks to my colleagues who helped me to achieve this.
Coke Zero Research - Fluid Ink (2)
11:51 AM by Minifong , under Coke Zero, Research, Ronald, Visual Effects
Hi guys!
I came across this commercial this morning.
It has very impressive ink fluid effects. :)
I read that it's done by a Korean Studio.
According to Yong's final design of the bullet (no.3 of previous post),
I did the following effects. I hope it tallies and it's good to go :)
More bullets. i tried something more graphical for the 2nd one, but i think i went too far with it. I personally like the last one, simple and portrays the feeling of speed. What do you guys think?
oops i forgot bout the bulet trail. Here it is. I'm gonna do a few more mock up for the bullet.
edit: k here's the other 2. but after reading Zi Chao's comment, maybe i'll do a few more.
Hey guys, heres a mockup i did. I did it in a plane because i thought we could put it in like a texture. But after that i thought it would be nicer if we have a 3d terrain instead and have the splashes on planes like how we did it for the other shots.
By the way, I tried trees at first but it kinda sucked. so i tried adding them together in the 2nd pic. But i kinda prefer the one without trees.
Hey guys I've tried the fireball effect, the wet ink trail and the also both of them together. What do you guys think?
And as for the background, i've thought of having a heavy fog and in a distant there are mountains with inks splats splashing. I'll post a mock up soon.
Nice update Zichao, keep them coming! :)
Based on Yongs concept drawing here : Coke Zero Concept Art
I have created the 3D versions of the streets and CARS so that they can be animated!
I'm in the process of rigging the cars and they'll be ready to go soon. ;)
Is the look good to go?
Keep it going guys!
btw, the ending bullet+explosion shot, nobody working on it..
hmm.. hey, yongs you wanna pick that up? is there a moodboard for the explosion?
oh zichao, I've also upload the cokecan rig to Channelbox SkyDrive :) hope you find it animatable friendly :D
that's all for now~
This post is just for me to keep track of my problems in shot 6 (cliff shot) so i know what i have to do when i come back from cruise.
Problem 1, the top of the quakes all seems to be flat but in fact, there are bumps and relief on it. I guess this has to be solved by adding value and texture to it.
Problem 2, should the ground be flat? if it is flat can the ink splats on the ground amplify the look of a rocky volcanic scene? I have a video reference on ice age 2, and they used relatively flat ground and it worked. [] 18mins.
Problem 3, overall look still doesn't feel like a Volcano/geyser field filled with gas pockets. Maybe more irregularity and rocks on the ground might make it better.
Hi all! Here's a preview of our Coke Zero Production.
Thanks to the moodboards Yong's has been working on, things are coming together and we're going to work hard on the production when Yongs and Chaos returns from their wonderful cruise trip! :D
Lot's of animation needs to be done~ :P
Hello, the countdown timer is such a great idea! Thanks for putting it there, let us know who you are.. :P Oh, I shifted it to the center to it gets more attention :P By the way, I added the SkyDrive button so we're like building a toolbox :) cools~
Did mood boards today. Here's some of them and we've managed to nail down some of the ideas that would appear in our final clip :)