A CG experimental project in search for style

Our Inspiration 1

6:29 AM by , under ,

Hello guys, remember one of our inspirations for our little 3-man productions? :)

This couple production is finally complete and the graphics are really quite impressive. But nothing beats their organisation and workflow.. Only 2 laptops and they were able do get their desired short film out. How did they do it?

Click to watch the production focus:

The Film:

MEET MELINE : THE 3D ANIMATED SHORT FILM (by Sebastien Laban & Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.

The Making Of:

MEET MELINE : THE MAKING OF (Sebastien Laban and Virginie Goyons) from Sebastien LABAN on Vimeo.

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Hello guys,

I'm sure you guys are super busy with NS.
I suddenly had the urge to re-design our blog :P
Hope you guys don't mind. :)

Here it is!

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